We’ve Been Expecting You

We are a high vibe frequency group who have worn the production shoes. With over two centuries of combined experience between us we’re ready to help shape your shoot with Michelin Star finesse.

  • Peter Britten
    Head of Documentary
  • Leanne Ladbury
    Head Client Contact

    Leanne has been part of the Focus Canning family virtually since day dot. With a track record longer than the marathons she’s ran, her reputation precedes her. A furry cat mother, heavy metal lover, and a worthy arm wrestle challenger to boot.

  • Craig Haugh
    Camera Technician

    As a bigger fan of Newcastle United FC than Bobby Robson himself, Craig knows a thing or two about loyalty through thick and thin. Always smiling and happy to answer your tech questions, he is on hand to help you navigate both any camera menu and St James’s Park.

  • Ben Mitchell
    Managing Director

    The chief of the Focus Canning ranch belongs in a century where wood is chopped to stay warm and food is cooked with fire. A BBQ Jedi and gym nut who mind maps his way through life to the backing track of country music and the smell of Dyptique candles.

  • Marga Correia
    Senior Client Contact

    Marga is a Portuguese firecracker. She is a clean freak. All emails are fired back as fast as you can say “obrigado!”. Long-time dog lover, but first-time cat owner since Ringo Gringo Muchacho set foot through the door flap.

  • Eddie Koehler
    Head of Optical Engineering

    Jet-set trailer trash. Raised by poodles. Illegitimate son of Iggy Pop and Robert Plant. Likes his coffee “dark, bitter and sweet…like life”.

  • Francis Hughes
    Head of Camera

    Most camera pros have come across Francis in their careers and will know him for meticulous detail and belt and braces for the belt and braces. Self styled wine sommelier who still uses Facebook but had never heard of Tik Tok. All part of the charm!

  • Fred Ford
    Hire Technician

    Always exploring the latest cine innovations, Fred’s enthusiasm is shining through in every project. Whether crafting the perfect cinematic experience or sharing insights on the newest tech trends, Fred is here to help you stay at the forefront of things in the North East.

  • Nick Richardson
    Lens Engineer

    A serious cyclist, Nick arrives to work looking like he’s come off the latest Power Rangers movie set. He is northern steel personified- everyone is a ’soft jessy’. Optical engineer, coffee machine maintainence hero, and engraving artist his versatlity knows no end.

  • Lewis Williams
    Camera Technician

    Imagine a roofer afraid of heights then you have Lewis in his former career. A ‘geezer’ with the warmest heart, you will hear Lewis from Scotland let alone the prep rooms. Who wants to hit the town with a man whose weapon of choice is tequila?

  • Lewis Digweed
    Camera Technician

    There is nothing subtle about Lewis. Standing at 6ft 4” he throws a pair of 6ft sliders around as if they were empty filter cases. A focussed man, at 16 he finished his GCSE’s on a Friday and started on the camera floor the following Monday. He has been marinating as an outstanding Camera Technician ever since whilst single handedly growing the share price of Monster energy drinks.

  • Dan Simpkins
    Camera Technician

    If this were Middle Earth, Dan would hail from The Shire. As a walking advert for Cornwall the man drinks cider, attends county shows to observe the ‘best cow’ competition and would have Cornsih pasties for his three square meals a day. The quiet one in the corner- in a George Harrison way.